Page 10 - Последний подарок шамана или легенды о Золотом корне
P. 10

He  had  a  dream                                Nowadays  Rhodiola  is  used  in  medicine,  perfumery
                                                   about     a   beauitiful                     and cosmetics. It is well-known as a medicinal adaptogen
                                                   butterfly  flying  to  a                     and  antioxidant  plant,  being  more  efficient  than
                                                   yellow           flower.                     Schizandra     or    Eleuterococus.     Rhodiola     tincture
                                                   Woken  up,  the  man                         contributes  to  neural  cells  repair,  increases  indurance
                                                   followed     the   way.                      and even acts as an anti-depressant.
                                                   When       he     finally                        It is possible to make Rhodiola tincture yourself, but
                                                   found  the  flower,  he                      you can also  buy  pre-made  one  at  any  chemist's.  You

                                                   touched      it

                                                   and     felt  full    of                     could also  plant  it  in  your  garden.  It  is  important  to
                                                   energy     and  power,                       remember  that  the  plant  prefers  harsh  conditions:
                                                   while       his    mind                      mild  climate, wind,  stony  soil.  It  doesn't  need  a  lot  of

                                                   became        unusually                      sun,  but  it  is essential  to  water  Rhodiola  regularly. It
                                                   calm.                                        is  possible  to  successfuly  grow  it  even  on  your
            Carefully  digging  the  plant  out,  the  healer  noticed  its                     balcony,  but  you  need to make sure that the conditions
            strange brush-like roots. He washed the dirt off and the                            are close to natural.

            water turned red, so the shaman called the plant Crimson
            Brush. Thanks to the Crimson Brush, the healer now could
            cure illnesses which were untreatable before.

                Another legend tells  us about gods filling  the

            world with plants and animals  of  all  kinds,  but  most

            mouintain regions remained uninhabited, as they were

            cold and unwelcoming. Only one plant agreed to stay in
            the  hills.  The  gods  thanked  the  plant by  granting  it

            healing  powers. This plant was the Golden Root.
                Not only the beautiful bronze colour was the reason to
            name  the  plant  that  way,  but  also  the  fact  that  it  was
            highly  valuable.  Despite  being  light-yellow    colour,  it
            was named "rosea" because of the gorgeous smell that it
            has during bloom season.
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