Page 8 - Последний подарок шамана или легенды о Золотом корне
P. 8

views                                                             It was sold, smuggled, and people sometimes were killed
            and  a  wide  variety  of  unique  medicinal  plants.  A                            for the export of Rhodiola.
            famous  herb  among  them  is  Rhodiola  rosea,  also                                   Rumours and legends about the Golden Root were told

            knkown as the Golden Root or Crimson Brush.                                         by  word  of  mouth for  many  years.  One of the legends
                Many  mysterious  legends  are  assosiated  with  this                          tells   us   about    an    old    shaman    healer.    The old
            plant,  and  for  a  reason:  Rhodiola  rosea  is  a  well-known                    hermit was completely consumed by his precious world of
            medicinal herb.                                                                     spells  and  potions,  but  never  refused  to  help  those  in
                In  ancient  times,  when  people  did  not  know  about                        need of healing.
            plant's theurapetic properties, it was used as a colouring.                             Time passed by and shaman had to find an heir. It was
            Subsequently a bronze root of Rhodiola became popular                               not an easy task, as not many people wanted to devote
            in tinctures. When people learnt about the Golden Root's                            their lives to medicine. But there was one man, whom the
            medicinal  properties,  they  started  collecting  it  eagerly,                     shaman  was  able  to  teach.    Lastly, the shaman left a
            although  it  was  mostly  common  for  the  remote                                 wonderful plant, which he first saw in a dream.

            highland parts of the island.

               Fact  file: Rhodiola  rosea (Rhodiola                                                                                 Interesting fact: in 2015

            rosea  L.)  —  herbaceous  perennial  plant,                                                                          a Russian cosmetics company
            belongs to Crassulaceae family. The stems                                                                             Natura  Siberica,  which  is

            are  thick  and  juicy.  The  leaves  are                                                                             famous  for  its  eco-friendly

            pointy, undivided, up  to  3,5cm  long  and                                                                           and  organic    manufacturing,
            1,5cm      wide.     The      inflorescence                                                                           managed  to open a farm for
            contains     light-yellow  or  light-green                                                                            rare     Sakhalin     plants,
            flowers,  the  seeds  are  small  and  brown.                                                                         including  Rhodiola  rosea,  to
            Usually blooms in June-August, bears fruit                                                                            be  grown.
            in September-October.                                                                                                    Specialists   state   that
               Depending on the habitat Rhodiola can                                                                              harsh  weather  conditions  of
            reach  100cm  in  height. However, in                                                                                 Sakhalin island not only help

            the  Sakhalin  Region  the  plant  only  grows                                                                        growth of the plant, but also

            to be 20-30cm  tall.     It  can  be  found                                                                           enhance  its  production  of
            on  all rocky  hills and  seacliffs,  along  the                                                                      biologically           active
            streams  of the  Central  and  Southern  part                                                                         substances.
            of  Sakhalin,  as  well  as  Kuril  Islands
            (except Paramushir and Shumshu Islands).

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