P. 12

When  the  fire  is  gone,                      A famous Sakhalin poet Romah Khe gifted us a song in
                                                bamboo            quickly                       Korean and in Russian:
                                                produces  new  sprouts,
                                                trying  to  conquer  as                          Tomorrow
                                                much land as possible.                           My sister is getting married
                                                As  a  plant  that  prefers                      My most
                                                dry climate, it is usually                       Beloved sister.
                                                drawn towards light and                          Covered in snow,
                                                avoids wet soil.                                 I'm looking for the bamboo.
                                                   Since ancient times is                        On the hill
                                                used  in  many  Asian                            Where we were running around
                                                countries.  They  even                           I smell
                                                have a saying: "The man                          Wonderful flowers,
                                                is  born  in  a  bamboo                          And tears
                                                cradle  and  dies  in  a                         Are running down my face...
                                                bamboo coffin".                                  Tomorrow
            Nowadays bamboo is widely used all around the world in                               My sister is getting married,
            cooking, medicine, construction etc.                                                 Green
               However,  Sasa  is  different.  Sakhalin  people  do  not                         Bamboo I will find.
            make  curtains,  baskets  or  furniture  from  the  bamboo.                            Once  you  start  travellling,  especially  to  Yalta,  you
            Instead,  they  use  it  for  decorative  purposes.  Sasa  is                       might find good old bamboo growing there. It makes you

            considered  one  of  many  landscape  plants  of  Sakhalin
            region. It is also a beautifully picturesque plant. Incredibly                      wonder, whethet Anton Chekhov planted Kuril Bamboo in
            long  thin  stems  with  pointed  leaves  are  perfect  for                         the  beautiful  garden  surrounding  his  White  Dacha  after
            paintings.  In  all  times  bamboo  was  praised  in  songs  and                    coming back from his trip to Sakhalin.
            legends, especially in China and Japan. Sakhalin poets also
            saw the beauty in the bamboo. A famous song written by
            Alexander  Alshutov  mentions  bamboo,  saying  "There  is
            bamboo growing on your hills, I wish I could see it again".

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