Page 13 - Царь-трава белокопытник японский
P. 13

Sakhalin butterbur recipe  Cut the stems in large pieces (5–6 cm long). You can

            cut them even more finely, just make sure the pieces
 For this interesting and healthy dish we need the   are approximately the same.
 following ingredients:  Cut the onion into half rings.
 • green butterbur stems- 500 gr .;  Pour 300 ml of sunflower oil into the pan and heat
 • sunflower oil - 300 gr .;  up.  Throw  the  previously  chopped  onion  into  the
 • 1 medium onion;  boiling oil and fry it until golden brown.
 • 2 cloves of garlic;  Add butterbur and garlic to the sautéed onion.
 • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.;  Sprinkle  with  black  and  red  pepper  and  add  soy
 • sesame seeds - to taste;  sauce. The soy sauce itself is very salty, so be careful
 • adinomodo - to taste;  to not overdo it. Usually 1–2 tablespoons is more than
 • ground black pepper - to taste;  enough. Salt the dish to taste and sprinkle with sesame
 • ground red pepper - to taste;  seeds. Add adinomodo to taste and leave to stew in a
 • salt - to taste.  pan for about 5 minutes.
               Our dish is ready! Bon Appetit!
 Only green butterbur sprouts are suitable for our
 dish. We will not need the red ones. The sprouts should
 be up to 30 cm long with no leaves. Butterbur has a
 bitter taste, and to get rid of the specific smell and
 bitterness, you need to soak it in cool water overnight.
 Pour  a  small  amount  of
 water  into  a  saucepan  and
 bring  it  to  a  boil.  Add  some
 salt to the water to taste.
 Leave the butterbur to cook
 for 20 minutes. Sprouts should
 become soft. Spread the stems
 in  a  colander.  Let  them  chill,
 and then remove the skin.

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