Page 8 - Царь-трава белокопытник японский
P. 8

People  call  Japanese
                                                                                                butterbur all the different
                                                                                                names!  They  are  the
               «The  huts  of  the  Ainu  were  carried  away  by  the
            wind; women, children and elders were soaked to the                                 Tsar-grass,  the  Plague-
            bone. And suddenly large plants rose high as the hut                                grass, the Royal root. The
            right from the water. Each Ainu sat under a leaf, and                               larger summer leaves are
            four children could fit under each leaf as well. And the                            shaped  like  hoof  marks
            rain was not scary anymore», — says the ancient Ainu                                — hence the name White
            legend  about  a  man's  acquaintance  with  butterbur.                             Hoof Each of us has seen
            Strength and power are felt in the appearance of this                               this plant at least once in
            giant, it is not for nothing that another name of this                              our life, as it is really hard
            plant is the Bear-grass.                                                            not  to  notice  it.  Anton
                                                                                                Chekhov also mentioned
                                                                                                its scale more than once: «I have never met such huge
               Reference:  Japanese  Butterbur,  or  Wide  Butterbur                            butterburs, and they mainly give the local forest glades
            (Petasites  japonicus)  is  a  herbaceous  perennial  plant  with  a                and  meadows  an  original  physiognomy.  I  already
            long branched rhizome, 5 to 10 mm thick.
               The growing season of the plant begins with the growth                           wrote that at night, especially in the moonlight, they
            of peduncles reaching a height of 40 cm. Yellowish-white or                         seem fantastic. <…> On the way we meet women who
            yellowish-greenish flowers are collected in bolls. The number                       sheltered  from  the  rain  with  large  butterbur  leaves.
            of bolls on a peduncle is up to 30 pieces. When the blooming                        <…>The further from Aleksandrovsk, the narrower the
            ends,  the  peduncles  continue  to  grow  and  by  the  time  of                   valley becomes, the darkness thickens, giant burdocks
            fruiting they stretch up to one meter in height.                                    begin to seem like tropical plants. <...>
               Leaves appear later. In Sakhalin conditions, they develop
            during  May.  Plants  of  this  species  have  the  largest  leaves
            not only of butterbur, but in general among all plants of the                          Interesting  fact:  The  Russian  name  of  butterbur  comes
            their family: the width of the leaf blade reaches up to 100 cm,                     from the old Russian word «lop» — «a leaf», which the plant got
            sometimes 150 cm, the length of the petiole is 200 cm (the                          because of its wide leaves. Even the word «butterbur» itself has
            usual length is from 70 to 150 cm). The leaves are reniform,                        acquired a common noun meaning and is colloquially applied
            bright green or dark green on top and white tomentose on                            to all plants with large leaves, as well as to simple people who
            the underside. Leaves die off with the first autumn frosts.                         are easily fooled. This reflected the idea of butterbur as the
               Grows in Korea, China, Japan. In Russia, it is found on the                      most  common,  simple  plant  that  can  be  found  under  any
            Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island.                                                  fence.

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