Page 15 - Animals of the Sakhalin Region in myths and legends
P. 15
Crane black
(Grus monacha)
The height is about 100 cm and the weight
is up to 4 kg. The plumage of most of the
body is bluish-gray. The flight wings and tail
coverts are black. The head and most of the
neck are white. On the crown of the head,
feathers are almost absent; the skin in this
place in adult birds is colored bright red.
The beak is greenish, slightly pinkish at the
base and yellow-green at the top. Legs are
Food preferences are vegetative
and generative parts of plants, as well
as small insects and vertebrates.
General distribution — East Asia, wintering in the south of Japan. In the Sakhalin region,
the black crane is found during seasonal migrations and summer migrations. Not recorded in
the Kuril Islands.