Page 44 - Animals of the Sakhalin Region in myths and legends
P. 44
The size of the lynx depends on the species. On average, it can reach 80
to 100 centimeters in length. An adult male weighs about 30 kg, and females
reach about 18 kg. They live up to 14.5 years in the wild and over 25 years in
captivity. The body of a wild cat is covered with beautiful, thick fur. During
the summer, the color of the cat’s fur changes. In winter, molting occurs
and the light brown coat turns into a gray one. Graceful black dots cover
the entire body of the lynx. A large number of white spots decorate the ears,
which end with black tassels. Thanks to them, the lynx has the finest hearing
and can hear the prey several kilometers away.
Mouse-like rodents, hares, birds (grouse or hazel grouse) become the usual
prey of the lynx. In addition to small rodents and birds, it hunts for larger prey:
roe deer, spotted and reindeer, musk deer, seren. Sometimes even a fish can
become a catch of a lynx. In places where lynx lives near humans, they often
hunt domestic animals and livestock.
This wild cat has become so rare that it had to be included in the Red Book of
the Sakhalin Region. The exact number of lynx is unknown. However, judging
by the only find of the species, in recent years only a few individuals have
probably survived on the island. According to some reports - no more than two
dozen. The main reason for the sharp decline in the number and distribution of
this animal was deforestation and forest fires.