Page 42 - Animals of the Sakhalin Region in myths and legends
P. 42
Kingfisher pied K
(Ceryle lugubris)
Reaches a length of 43 cm. A crest is visible on the head. Plumage
with gray-white specks. The chest and neck are white. The male has
a thin red stripe on his neck.
It feeds on small fish — Dolly Varden char and young salmon fish
and larvae of insects and amphipods in the streams.
Breeds on Kunashir Island, which is its only habitat in Russia.
Outside of the Russian Federation lives on island Hainan, on all the
major islands of Japan. In winter, it is found on the Korean Peninsula.
One Japanese tale says that the sparrow and the kingfisher are siblings.
They lived with their parents in a small Japanese village. They grew up
and went to the city to comprehend sciences and crafts.
One day they received the news of the death of their parents. The sparrow
arrived quickly in his native village, and the kingfisher chose his the outfit
brighter to be appreciated at home. And when he arrived at the place, his
relatives condemned him.
Since then, the kingfisher has been hiding from people, does not want
to be condemned.