Page 66 - Animals of the Sakhalin Region in myths and legends
P. 66
Peregrine falcon
(Falco peregrinus)
Large falcon. The body length of the male is 40 cm, of the female is
51 cm, the wingspan is 84–120 cm. The color is contrasting: the dorsal
side is dark gray, and the lower side is light with black teardrop-shaped
spots on the chest and with a transverse pattern on the belly. Under the
eyes there are characteristic pointed stripes, resembling «mustache».
The eyes and beak are dark. Paws are yellow. Juveniles are brownish
above and with buffy underside in wide longitudinal stripes. The wings
are narrow, long, pointed.
Food objects are birds and mammals of medium size.
Breeds on about Sakhalin: Capes Aniva and Kuznetsov, coasts of
Terpeniya Bay and Shmidt Peninsula, western and eastern coasts of the
island. On the Kuril Islands — the islands of Kunashir, Iturup, Urup,
Shikotan, Harimkotan, Ekarma, Lovushki, Matua, Yankicha, Ketoy,
Paramushir, Demina and others. Breeds on island Moneron. Flies
to island Tulenii. The general distribution is all continents, with the
exception of Antarctica.