Page 71 - Animals of the Sakhalin Region in myths and legends
P. 71


            Quail Japanese

            (Coturnix japonica)

                          Somewhat larger than the painted quail - the size of the bird is 17.5 cm. Apart
                        from the voice, it differs from the ordinary quail in a slightly smaller size and rusty-
                        brown color of the head and neck in males. Live weight of males — 115–120 g,
                        females — 138–150 g.
                          It feeds on plant seeds and small invertebrates.
                          On Sakhalin, it is found in most of the island to the north, approximately to
                        the mouth of the river Tyma. The northernmost point of registration of the current
                        male is the mouth of the river Vazi on the southern coast of the Nabilsky Bay.
                        Birds live in Dolinsky, Korsakovsky, Kurilsky, Makarovsky, Nevelsky, Nogliksky,
                        Poronaysky, Smirnykhovsky, Tomarinsky, Tymovsky, Uglegorsky, Kholmsky and
                        South Kuril districts.

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